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Visit and talk by Frank Tip: Asynchronous Programming: Challenges and Research Opportunities

Frank Tip will be visiting the CASA group September 17-19. On September 17, he will give a talk on Asynchronous Programming: Challenges and Research Opportunities from 10:00-11:00 in Nygaard-395.

Frank Tip, Professor at Northeastern University.

ABSTRACT: In this presentation, we will review promises and async/await, two features that were recently added to the JavaScript programming language to facilitate asynchronous programming. While these features provide significant benefits over event-driven programming, their complexity poses significant challenges to programmers. We will discuss recent work on finding bugs in promise-based JavaScript applications and identify opportunities for future research. Joint work with Saba Alimadadi, Magnus Madsen, and Di Zhong.

BIO: Frank Tip is a Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs at the College of Computer and Information Science at Northeastern University.