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On November 1, Martin Torp started as a PhD student.
Professional background: I received my bachelor's degree in computer science this summer.…
Alex Summers from ETH Zurich will give a talk about the Viper Project on October 26 in Nygaard-295. Abstract...
Jeremy Siek from Indiana University will give a talk about Compiling gradually typed languages for efficiency on September 7 at 14:00 in Nygaard-395.…
On Thursday September 8, Fabio Strocco will defend his PhD dissertation entitled Type Soundness in the Dart Programming Language. We wish him the best…
On Wednesday 24 August, Esben Andreasen will defend his PhD dissertation entitled Designing abstractions for JavaScript program analysis. After the…
At the 2016 ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, the Distinguished Paper Award was presented to Christoffer Quist…
"Message Safety in Dart" by Erik Ernst, Anders Møller, Mathias Schwarz, and Fabio Strocco.
Unlike traditional static type checking, the type system…
In dynamically typed programming languages, type errors can occur at runtime. Executing the test suites that often accompany programs may provide some…
The article "Feedback-Directed Instrumentation for Deployed JavaScript Applications" has been selected to receive an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper…
The article "Trace Typing: An Approach for Evaluating Retrofitted Type Systems" by Esben Andreasen et al. has been accepted at ECOOP 2016.
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